Starting from the bottom…
photo was taken sitting at the bottom of my favorite palm tree in Nosara, CR in June 2022. In this moment, I was ‘starting from the bottom’, having just ‘retired’ from my 21 year corporate career to focus on my holistic health practice.
Starting from the bottom…
Now we’re here.
Starting anew. Starting new ventures. Again. And I’m here for it.
Here I am: Writing blog posts, reflecting back over the past few years. And this whirlwind journey and adventures I’ve been on, and how the treads of life continue to weave a beautiful tapestry.
Embarking on new ventures, pursuing dreams that have been dangling for far too long and starting from scratch, here I am. Possibly creating poetry tambien…lol…
Here I am, embracing uncertainty and taking leaps of faith and trusting myself and the divine guidance I receive through intuition and my connection with God. Yet, I haven’t always had this faith and trust. It took me until my 40s.
Yes, so much of this is inner work. But as I share a bit below, there’s an aspect of the societal conditioning that can shake and challenge even the most confident. (I see that as a ‘test’ to help affirm the new healthier thought and behavior patterns and also what do we really want in life). That’ll be a different topic for a different day.
Today though - I want to talk about starting new, starting over… particularly in your 40s, needs to be celebrated. For real!
While some may look at ‘changes’ people make in their 40s or 50s as a mid-life crisis, what if there was a normalization of people stepping out of their box or predictable path? I’m not excusing immoral and unethical actions (particularly affairs, and other instances of lying or cheating). But… what if change was celebrated, especially after being on the planet for 40 years. Stepping out of the familiar takes courage!
Whether you’re changing career paths, even leaving a job you’ve been in for a long time for another similar, moving countries, getting a divorce, starting a business, or maybe a combination, let’s be real, it takes F-ing bravery, guts and so much more to make moves. To change. To make changes. To find within whatever it is that is propelling you in a new direction.
Yet, all it takes is one decision. One declaration to yourself (or out loud!) that you want to do or try something different.
Yet, why do so many people stay stuck or in the ‘thing’ or on a path they secretly (or outwardly) despise?
IMO: the short answer, there’s not 1 answer. It’s so highly individualized and there’s sooo many variables at play. And there shouldn’t be one answer;). From experiences and observations, we get tripped up so easily from all of the internal noise, then you factor in the societal conditionings, and you have a recipe for coming up with a cocktail of why said change or interest isn’t possible or worth pursuing.
My reflections from my recent experiences and why I decided to write this post is with the intention of normalizing change. The mental gymnastics I went through recently were exhausting and also left me curious about why this was the case.
And I can’t image I am alone. I also know from my past, my ability to ride these waves of life and navigate these experiences is something I’ve been working on over the past 4 years in particular. #recoveringtypeAperfectionist
Sure there are people out there who have ‘change’ down, they make it look easy. Maybe they’ve found their footing and have their internal connection on point… Or maybe they’re faking it til they make it…Or it was normalized for them… What matters is finding OUR footing without comparing.
And if you’ve stayed with me this long and you’re content with your life and think this is a bunch of crazy talk, its ok:)
Yet for all the people out there day dreaming, future tripping, living in the past, stuck in a negative comparison loop, or navigating burnout and other health challenges (mental, physical and emotional) - I believe in you. My prayer is that you find the belief in yourself to make the change your soul is destined for.
And yes… many times these changes and new paths involve starting from the bottom. Maybe with or without a roadmap. You have to start somewhere, even if it is from scratch. Scary and overwhelming in ways yes! BUT - once you find your footing, you’ll be on your way and look back (hopefully) with so much pride in yourself. And know it was all worth it.
I’m cheering for you to charter a new chapter - you’ve got this.