Here’s What Happened When I Learned to Listen To & Trust My Intuition…

A blog is born! ha! Well, yes, this blog has been brewing for 8+ years. I started a version around 2016, but never stuck with it. Then I’ve been on this whirlwind incredible journey over the past 4+ years with so many shakeups and shifts. And as I’ve found true enjoyment with writing, both in a journal and through typing, it was time to put some stories out there, and to bring everything together. These are the stories and experiences from the different destinations where my soul was stirred in some way, and shifts and changes resulted. The journeys shared are how I found home within and what brought me here.
Why? Why would this be somewhat like a ‘Dear Diary’? Why would I want to talk about myself, spend time on this and what is my reason? One of my favorite questions that I often journal about is intention. At the end of each ‘Destination’, I share an intention for each trip as it ties into so much more that you’ll read about in this section.
Right now this site, particularly the Soulful Stories, is a pure passion project. Writing sparks joy for me. And funny enough, I only discovered this recently! I’m an advocate for doing the things that light you up, that put you into flow and tap into magic, so here I am.
And then there is a deeper ‘why’ for sharing personal stories. I have been inspired from others’ stories. Sometimes, a 'spark' ties everything together that I’m feeling, thinking, sensing, and boosts my confidence, allowing me to trust and listen to my intuition even more. Sounds crazy or silly? Trust me - when you experience it, you’ll know:) Maybe someone else will find just that - the nudge they need, inspiration, and more. (and if they don’t that’s ok too;)
To be fair, this has taken me quite some time to get to a point to share openly. I am still a tad modest about oversharing, and my struggle with being understood. Over the past six years, I notice a common theme in the unexpected ways my life has changed.
This thing has changed my relationships with others and most importantly with myself. It has changed my health - mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. It has stretched, expanded, challenged, brought me to my knees, and also supported me in ways I had no idea where possible. This is what lights me up, stirs my soul, sometimes scares me and also has brought me to where I am now.
The common thread?
Travel and living internationally (ie outside the U.S.).
Yep - you may have guessed that:)
Travel and living abroad have truly transformed me and I know there’s still more to come. As I have leaned into these experiences, the shifts, redirection, affirmations and clarity that happens, sometimes during and definitely after the trip, I am continually amazed.
Traveling and living internationally are different experiences, yes. Yet, the commonality is that both put us out of our comfort zones. And that is prime time opportunities for growth, expansion and transformation.
Fun fact: this site (and new endeavors) was started from my recent trip to Croatia in August 2024 with my Mum. Stay tuned for the story:)
Curious? Come along on my journey. And if your soul is stirred in some way, something sparks or you want to chat about an upcoming trip, message me, I’d love to chat.
Big hugs & love~
The photo at the top of page was taken the morning I decided it was time to ‘retire’ from my corporate job in 2022 and give my notice that day (5.23.22). The ‘sign’ - the rainbow over the ocean - affirmed this was the ‘right’ direction, that had been tugging at me for a long time. Yes there will be a story someday so stay tuned:)